2024 Newsletter

For a copy of the PMR POA Newsletter from the 2024 group of Directors/Officers, click here for PDF download link.


For April 13, 2024 Annual Meeting

Click here for PDF Download link

Pine Meadows Ranch POA Profit and Loss January - December 2023 - 3/13/2024

Accrual Basis Friday, March 1, 2024 06:12 PM GMT-07:00 1/1 TOTAL Income Bank Interest 0.38 Late Fee Refund -180.11 Lien Release Payments 20,519.91 Merchant fee reimbursement 26.82 Penalties 7.43 POA Fees 28,345.19 Services -628.49 Unapplied Cash Payment Income -50.99 Total Income $48,040.14 GROSS PROFIT $48,040.14 Expenses Annual meeting 159.96 Filing Fees 38.90 Legal & Professional (non-lien) 9,860.64 Legal Fees Recovered -2,486.00 Licenses and Permits 57.80 Liens 25.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 1,121.60 Outisde Accounting/Tax Prep 625.00 PO Box Rental 121.00 Postage & Shipping 219.60 Program Expense 100.00 Quickbooks 410.97 Road Maintenance 11,925.00 Gravel 1,172.19 Total Road Maintenance 13,097.19 Travel Mileage 211.65 Total Travel 211.65 Utilities Internet 150.00 Well Electric 687.81 Total Utilities 837.81 Website 1,357.73 Well Maintenance 75.99 Water Testing 347.98 Total Well Maintenance 423.97 Total Expenses $26,182.82 NET OPERATING INCOME $21,857.32 NET INCOME $21,857.32

Click here for original PDF version

Pine Meadows Ranch POA - 3/13/2024

Profit and Loss

January - December 2023

Cash Basis Monday, January 29, 2024 01:34 PM GMT-07:00 1/1


JAN - DEC 2023 JAN - DEC 2022 (PY)

Income $51,577.50 $39,357.49

GROSS PROFIT $51,577.50 $39,357.49


Annual meeting 159.96

Bank Service Charges 75.88

Filing Fees 38.90

Legal & Professional (non-lien) 9,860.64 15,087.67

Legal Fees Recovered -2,486.00

Licenses and Permits 57.80 33.90

Liens 25.00 225.00

Office Supplies & Expenses 1,121.60 1,047.97

Outisde Accounting/Tax Prep 625.00

PO Box Rental 121.00

Postage & Shipping 219.60 394.77

Program Expense 100.00 278.74

Quickbooks 410.97

Road Maintenance 11,925.00 30,100.00

Gravel 1,172.19

Total Road Maintenance 13,097.19 30,100.00


Mileage 211.65 264.07

Total Travel 211.65 264.07


Internet 150.00 1,100.00

Well Electric 687.81 668.19

Total Utilities 837.81 1,768.19

Website 1,357.73 1,723.15

Well Maintenance 75.99

Water Testing 347.98

Total Well Maintenance 423.97

Well Property Taxes 13.82

Total Expenses $26,182.82 $51,013.16

NET OPERATING INCOME $25,394.68 $ -11,655.67

NET INCOME $25,394.68 $ -11,655.67

Click here for original PDF version

Pine Meadows Ranches POA - 3/13/2024

Annual Notices for 2024

Greetings! It has been an eventful year out here at the ranches. We have had many

role changes after the incident with the well and I want to start by apologizing for

the delay. I hope the following information gives everyone a better idea of the state

of things and how we must move forward.

Let’s start with the question on everyone’s mind, - when is the annual meeting?

This year’s annual meeting will be on Saturday, April 13th, 2024 from 1 – 4 pm. The location is going to be the well.

There will be a tent to protect us from the elements

and food and drinks will be provided. It is recommended that you bring a chair. The

counting of ballots for the dissolution of the POA will be done right away as the

results of that will guide the rest of the meeting. Here is a brief synopsis of what will

be discussed either way:

1. Bringing in a management company that will handle the positions currently

filled by officers of the board.

2. Look at financials both past and present.

3. Answer Questions

4. Go over issues affecting the community; fire safety, abandoned

properties/debris, road planning

5. Answer Questions

6. Hold voting if necessary pending outcome of ballot voting.

7. Open discussion/Closing

Let’s go over the information and instructions regarding those ballots and the

items up for discussion.

The first item on the ballot is the question of whether or not to dissolve the

POA. The argument for dissolution is that it is next to impossible to fully staff the

board with qualified members who do not have any conflicts of interest. There are

significant issues with the records that need professional insight. The argument

against is that it opens the door for other government agencies to come in and take

over and has significant costs associated with it. The process itself is lengthy and

complicated and there is no guarantee that even with the required votes we will

get the desired outcome. State law says that if there is a process to dissolve outline in the bylaws that we must follow that process. Our bylaws currently state that in order to dissolve the county must agree to take over maintenance of the roads. The county has stated multiple times that they will not agree to that but if we agree to and file an affidavit absolving them of that responsibility the state will accept Articles of Dissolution. Once we have the required votes of 2/3 of all lot owners we can begin the process. Before the dissolution can be filed, a full audit must be done of the POA’s financials, all assets sold off, utilities closed, and financial debts cleared. Once the dissolution has been filed, the state will then make a decision to grant or deny. They can deny the request and appoint a management company to take over. If they grant the dissolution there will be no more maintenance of any roads, first and foremost. Each lot owner will be responsible for the stretch of road adjacent to their property and its maintenance. All paperwork regarding lots, contracts, deeds, etc., will need to be refiled with the county in order to remove the Pine Meadows Ranches as any paperwork with that on there will no longer be recognized as legal. Cibola County has stated that you need to be notified that in order to refile paperwork for properties you must be current on your taxes and not have any liens.

In an effort to make sure that we all know what the options and the cost of those options are, Toni and I have been talking to a professional HOA management company that handles small HOAs and POAs. They have given us a quote of $24,000 which I believe is both reasonable and necessary. They would be able to provide all administrative needs and handle the dissolution if we get the votes. For that item we only need a majority of votes in order for it to pass. That is the second item on the ballot. I can provide an overview by email to anyone who wishes to get more information.

The process for voting is simple. Fill out the ballots and return them either in person at the meeting, by mail, or by photocopy sent to the POA email. If you wish to vote for these issues yourself and still appoint a proxy to vote for other matters in person at the meeting, please indicate that on your proxy form which can be obtained by email. All ballots must have a signature to be counted. Any ballots not turned in will have to be legally counted as a NO vote on both questions. Please list ALL the lots you own because it is one vote per LOT, not person. You do not have to be current with your dues to vote but you must be of legal age (18) and legally hold the vote for the lot/s.

There are many lots throughout the community that have dead trees from the pine beetles, abandoned structures and debris. It has become an issue from a public safety standpoint. This is a very dry climate and these issues are cause for concern during wildfire season. This, along with other factors like road conditions, have caused the local EMS services to advise that they may not be able to assist anyone in the event of an emergency. Lot owners need to make arrangements to get lots cleaned up and cleared of fire and safety hazards as soon as possible. Along with the fire hazard, abandoned structures and trash attract wild animals and predators to the area causing further risk to the safety of both people and their pets/livestock. The issue of trash in general is something that has come up frequently. There is no trash service that comes to the area. There is a transfer station where trash can be taken to for a small fee. Burning trash is not only illegal but puts off toxic fumes. Please check with the local fire marshal for more information. All of the legal proceedings that were taking place against lot owners with past dues has been stopped. On the advice of the lawyers, there were too many obstacles in place including issues with the bylaws and steps that were skipped before taking legal action, that prevented the cases from moving forward and had little chance of seeing a favorable outcome. The only case that was able to move forward was the Cattleman’s case as its contract was directly tied to the bylaws as they were written and predated any law changes. We will also be working to get an online method of capturing votes and signatures before the meeting. If you have any questions, just want to reach out, or have any suggestions for anything, please feel free to contact me, Heather Scott or Toni Frattallone. We now have a phone number 505-868-2732 and the email, pinemeadowspoa@gmail.com is being monitored.

Hope to see everyone at the meeting!

POA UPDATE Announcement - 3/12/2024

by Heather Scott, President

Invoices are done. Due to the issues with QuickBooks it required me to manually adjust every late fee and due date. If I didn't catch yours, please email or call to let me know. I gave everyone a future set due date of 10/01/2024 to allow for any future corrections and to insure that late fees don't hit before you even get it in the mail. All mailings should be received no later than 4/1. If you already made a payment, your due date wasn't adjusted but the late fee was removed.

POA UPDATE Announcement - 3/7/2024

by Heather Scott, President

Hello Everyone,

I have a couple of posts to make. This first one is about invoices that have already been sent out. There's an error in QuickBooks that is automatically adding the late fee the day after it says the bill is due. You have 180 days after the invoice was created before that charge is supposed to appear. If you already paid, please check your receipts and contact me at 505-868-2732 M-F between 2-6 to address the overcharge. If you have not paid already, please do not make a payment before Monday, 3/11 so that I can go through and remove the charges from the accounts already charged.

This notice is for the owners of multiple properties and investors:

There have been several issues that have been brought to my attention. We do not have complete and accurate records due to properties being bought and sold and no notices being sent to the board. Another issue is not being able to fix the issue of sending batched invoices for multiple properties reflecting a total amount for all properties. QuickBooks has offered suggestions for going forward so that one invoice can be sent that details multiple properties but it doesn't help with the ones already sent out unfortunately. In order to resolve these issues I do have a workaround. If you own multiple properties, whether you're an LLC, realtor or private owner with multiple lots, please email me with a time and date to set up a phone meeting to go over your account and to get a total amount for all invoices combined. It may be simpler in your case to write a check that we can manually apply to each account than to make multiple payments.

Please be aware that we no longer have access to the Stripe account. If you made a payment that way you will need to request a refund from them and make the payment through either QuickBooks or by check.

POA UPDATE Announcement - 12/2023

by Heather Scott, President

Due to popular demand I am making an announcement regarding what the board is currently up to and what the future plans are. My first action as president was to give Veronica the time to get the accounts in order and to see what spending was absolutely necessary in order to see what our actual financial situation is. She is a CPA, she did not want to be treasurer, she agreed to be secretary but it became apparent very quickly that the accounts needed professional help. She agreed to be treasurer until everything was done and she is resigning after. There's just no way she can be a CPA full time in 2 places. I thank her for her time and expertise in such a monumental task. That position is currently looking to be filled. I then acquired some of the records, I still have some coming from Samir when I can get time to meet with him. I have had several conversations with several agencies ranging from county to federal. The records are a mess, there are things missing, things that were never filed that should have been, and a lot of what I do have is vague at best. We held a meeting in October but due to technical issues they haven't been posted to the website yet. During the meeting I outlined what our priorities are, when they need to be done and what steps needed to be taken. It was voted on and agreed that since the state and county are asking for updated bylaws that I would work on getting that done. I have experience with property law, construction law and employment law and I asked that it be voted on that the bylaws and the language used in the bylaws be brought to current laws and language and it was agreed to unanimously. I asked that I be given discretion where the law allows and that before anything was finalized I be allowed to get public input, also agreed to unanimously but I'm not quite to that point yet. However, anyone who wants to can send me an email to the POA with the subject "bylaws" and I will look at it and respond. It was voted on and agreed to that when the Cattleman's money settled that a small portion would be allowed to try and get equipment in order for road maintenance to be done by the POA itself in order to save money long term. We just received that and the check just cleared. The rest is of course going to the roads. Danny submitted a plan in order to get an estimate and I approved for the main road to get done immediately but the rest is going to have to wait until spring. We need a comprehensive plan for the side roads and one thing I have been insistent on is that road work being done is done with long term goals in mind. Danny is working on getting me an assessment of which roads are the worst and most likely to not meet fire safety standards. His preliminary report of the 5 worst ones that are currently occupied included Betty, the road I live on. That means I have to wait too. He has also said that the work needed may need to be scaled back to worst 3 based on available funds. In order for me to approve anything I will need an estimate, I have been assured one is coming within the next week. The holiday slowed some of that down, understandable. A budget was approved for the next year's administrative costs. I'm looking to utilize as many local resources as possible to keep costs down. Venues for the annual meeting, a way for the POA to have Internet to do its business and an actual phone number that is tied to the POA and not a person so that there is more consistency and to make transfers easier when new boards come in. I'm also working to organize the records, create standards and guidelines, constantly keep contact with all of the above agencies, checking emails and answering the questions that come up and make sure my board is on task. Currently, I have not been reimbursed for anything even though it was approved for me to. Reason being that as much as what I have sucks I don't want to spend anything that isn't absolutely necessary until Veronica is completely done and I'm trying to set it up for the POA as stated before without a ton of start up costs. The POA does not have a great credit score. My current goal is to get this mess cleaned up and organized and legal. My hope is that I can get it all done and when I'm replaced the next person won't have to deal with a shit show, they can just pick up where I left off and not have to spend so much time on unnecessary time wasters. Thankfully, this isn't the biggest mess I have had to clean up but it certainly was avoidable.

per 12/3/2023 Facebook group post

Waste Disposal Information for PMR Residents


OPEN - Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
from 9 am - 5pm

Address: 84 S Bloomfield Ave, Ramah, NM 87321

( located South of the Pine Hill Gas-Grocery Store )

On 7/22/2023, an emergency POA meeting was held at the PMR Community well, to fill PMRPOA positions vacated by a mass POA resignation during a prior "Conference Call" to discuss the unlawful closure of the PMR well.

The required 25 PMR residents were present to vote, and an election was held. Names of attending PMR residents were documented.

Jim Armstrong was thus elected as President, & the process of returning the PMR well for resident use began.

Completion of the POA transition occurred on 8/8/2023.

Community Conference Call Meeting Information & mass POA Resignations

Below was the conference call information regarding the unlawful PMR community well closure for PMR resident usage.

9:00 am July 22, 2023

Dial-in: +1 480-660-2224

Access code: 5770724

United States - Toll-Free+1 800-719-6100

The Well closure was unannounced, thus, an unlawful action.

Greetings Pine Meadows A Message From Your Ex-President

Neighbors, friends, property owners.

My name is Greg Perez I volunteered for Vice pres at the last meeting in March, and was elected. Since then... Unfortunately LaTicia has stepped down due to personal reasons. I want to thank LaTicia for all the years of hard work and dedication. I will lean heavily on her for advice and knowledge.

Upon completion of the last meeting it is evident to me that there is a lot of concerns. The most pressing one I feel needs to be addressed is the Cattleman's properties delinquent POA dues. I was notified by PMRPOA secretary/Treasurer Tina P of a notice received this week from the State of New Mexico, County of Cibola Thirteenth District that such auction is  to take place in Grants NM on the courthouse steps June 13th, 2023 12:30. Information was and will be listed in the Albuquerque Journal legal adds 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, and 5/19.

The board members wanted to make sure this was shared via FB and pmrpoa.org website (updating soon) so that people are aware.

I realize there are many other issues that need to be addressed.

The board will be focusing and reporting on these issues. We as a community need to be nice to one another and tackle these concerns together. We get no where with finger pointing and name calling.

We look for your support.

Have a great day, don't forget to wave to your neighbors

Thank You

PMRPOA President

Greg Perez


PMR POA 5/11/23 board meeting minutes

Start time: 12:02 pm MST

End time : 12:22 pm MST

Date : 5/11/23

Meeting wasn’t recorded because Tina didn’t realize that she needed to upgrade “freeconference” to $9.99 a month to get recording options. Future meetings will be recorded.


Greg Perez - President - Y

N/A - VP - board needs to vote on new VP 

Tina Perez - Secretary, Treasurer - Y

Robert Yaeggi, QCC - Roads - Y

Donna Kohrmann - Y

Annette Jeffreies - N 


Cattleman's auction - how to notify the property owners, and process of the auction

Greg - Called atty and spoke with paralegal Amy. There are legal notices in the ABQ Journal Newspaper dates: 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19. Bidding to start $33,891.37 + 10% from February 1st, 2023.

Note: New information to the board that all of the Cattleman’s properties are being sold as one unit and not individual properties as previously thought.

Auction Date: June 13th at 12:30pm at the Grant’s courthouse steps. Bidding start at $33k +10% from February  1, 2023 for all Cattleman’s properties as one unit. If no one bids on the property then it reverts back to PMR who then owns the properties. PMR would then sell the properties individually.

How do we get the info to the land owners?

We can put it on the pmrpoa.org website and on FB.

The auction details are in the ABQ journal and we can try and get screenshots of ABQ journal and put it on pmrpoa.org website.

Voted yes by all in attendance.

Action : Greg 

Post auction details on FB.

Action : Tina

Get auction info on pmrpoa.org website.

Action : Tina

Get todays meeting Minutes on the web.


Roads: Robert

Robert put out several requests for bids to do roadwork at PMR and the bids are to be submitted by 7pm on May 24th. The bids will be discussed with the board. If the job is not done up to standards (like dumping gravel in the middle of the road and not spread out) - then we won’t pay them. Work will be inspected. No down payments will be done for jobs. All payments due at the end of the work. Robert requesting board meeting on May 25th to review bids. Work will commence on June 5th and must be done by June 15th. Companies in the past asked for money upfront and then didn’t do the job. Robert submitted requests on FB and FB marketplace for bids.

Voted yes by all attended.

Action : Tina / Robert

Call board meeting after all the bids are collected and Robert has had time to review them so that the board can review and vote on bids.


All Action items from this meeting:

Action : Greg 

Post auction details on FB.

Action : Tina

Get auction info on pmrpoa.org website.

Action : Tina

Get today's meeting Minutes on the web.

Action : Tina 

Call board meeting after all the bids are collected and Robert has had time to review them so that the board can review and vote on bids.

Winter 2023

Coming soon at the next annual meeting will be openings for the following positions:

President, Vice President, Treasure, Secretary

At the annual meeting the members shall elect the directors for a term of one (1) year".

Article 4 (Board Of Directors), Section 2 ("Term Of Office")

"Election to the Board of Directors shall be by secret written ballot. At such election, the members or their proxies may cast, in respect to each vacancy, one (1) lot for each lot owned. The person receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected"

Article 5 ("Nomination And Election Of Directors"), Section 2 ("Election")

A link for more info within our area:


According to by-laws - Filed Sept 1st, 1988. Anyone who is on the board must be members in good standing and have dues current. Voting must be by secret ballot. The by-laws that the previous association have been handing out are not the original by-laws. The limit of 5 votes per landowner is not in the original by-laws. Every property owner will check in at the door and only property owners in good standing from unit #3 and #4 can vote. One vote per property. The Secretary, Tina, will hand property owners 3x5 cards with the property numbers on them. If people have multiple properties they get 1 vote per property. Only people in good standing (no past due balance for PMRPOA) will be able to vote. Samir, the Treasurer, will check to ensure people don’t have any past due balance and they are cleared to vote.

Question - How are we to determine people that are buying properties with monthly payments from a third party? - example Smile4uinc - technically owned by Charlotte. Do these people need a proxy from Charlotte to whoever is buying the property? We must follow the by-laws. Email sent to board members on 1/11/23 stating what’s in the by-laws.

Members or their proxies... what is a member?, and what is a proxy? Article 2, Section 6 says a "member shall mean and refer to those owners entitled to membership in good standing upon payment of assessments as provided for in Article 11".

Owner... What is an owner? Article 2, Section 4 says an "owner shall mean and refer to any person or entity who is the owner of record of a fee or undivided fee interest in any lot which is subject by covenants of record to assessment by the Association".

(So a member is someone whose name is on a Warranty Deed of a property in Units 3 or 4, and they are not delinquent on their PMRPOA dues)

Article 3, Section 5 says "all proxies shall be in writing, signed by the party who is giving the proxy, and filed with the Secretary of the Association in a form acceptable to the Board of Directors".

In short- people buying property/properties through as 3rd party ( example Smile4uin ) are unable to vote.

Property owner that can vote must have a warranty deed.

Quorum per by-laws - needs at least 35 land owners in attendance including proxy votes. Nominations for board meetings will be made at the meeting not ahead of time.

Per by-laws we should give the person a heads up that they are being nominated for the board and that person should consent to the nomination at the meeting.

Per Robert who looked up the NM State law - State law says that proxy vote can be given to anyone. This means that you can proxy your vote to a current board member or anyone that is unit #3 and #4 that are in good standing and do not have a past due balance.

Your Local Fire Service Announces Program to Save Lives and Property During a Wildland Fire

Grants, NM, April 25, 2022 — Cibola County Fire Departments in collaboration with the City of Grants and the Village of Milan are launching a new program in Cibola County designed to teach individuals who live in high-risk wildland fire areas how to best prepare themselves and their properties against wildland fire threats. The Ready, Set, Go! Program works collaboratively with defensible space education programs and provides the tools for the fire service to educate individuals on preparedness, situational awareness when a fire starts, and to act early for the safety of your family and emergency responders. 

The Ready, Set, Go! Program is the result of a nation-wide discussion on how to protect homes and lives in what the fire service calls the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). WUI is where development meets natural vegetation and the ember zone. An ember zone is an area where the wind driven ember fall-out from a wildland fire can threaten property and lives. Some of the areas in Cibola County that are identified as a Wildland Urban Interface, include but not limited to, Bluewater Acres, Candy Kitchen, La Jara Subdivision, Lobo Canyon-Cantina Acres and surrounding, Oso Ridge, Pinehill, San Mateo, Timberlake, Etc.

The Ready, Set, Go! Program seeks to share information with residents on what you can do to successfully prepare for a wildland fire. Speak with your local fire department about your area’s threat for wildland fire and learn more about the WUI. Fire season is an increasing threat and a year-round reality in many areas. Do your part to be prepared. Follow the simple steps of the program below:

  • Ready – Be ready. Take personal responsibility and prepare long before the threat of a wildland fire so your home is ready. Create defensible space by clearing brush away from your home. Use fire-resistant landscaping and harden your home with fire-safe construction measures. Create your Personal Wildland Fire Action Plan.

    • Assemble emergency supplies and belongings in a safe place.

    • Plan escape routes and make sure all those residing within the home know the plan of action and practice it regularly.

  • Set – Situational awareness. Pack your emergency items. Stay aware of the latest news and information on the fire from local media, your local fire department, and public safety.

  • Go – Act early! Follow your Personal Wildland Fire Action Plan. Doing so will not only support your safety but will allow emergency responders to best maneuver resources to combat the fire.

Don’t let the first time you educate yourself on wildland fire be in the aftermath, join with us and be a part of the wildland fire solution today! 

Contact Your Local Fire Department or go to Fire Information (cibolacountynm.com)  for more information on the Ready, Set, Go! Program.

New Mexico Guide.indd (revize.com)



Attached below are documents pertaining to PMRPOA, free to view 24/7.
The New PMRPOA is researching which are legit, & which were altered.
Determinations of document integrity will be later posted here.