PMR POA 10/22/2024 Board Meeting - Meeting Minutes can be read here.

PMR POA 07/10/2024 Board Meeting - Meeting Minutes can be read here.

PMR POA 05/08/2024 Board of Directors Meeting - Meeting Minutes can be read here.

PMR POA 04/27/2024 Board of Directors Meeting - Meeting Minutes will be added here soon…

PMR POA 04/21/2024 Board of Directors Meeting - Meeting Minutes will be added here soon…

PMR POA 04/13/2024 Annual Meeting - Meeting Minutes can be read here.

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting 10/19/2023 - Meeting minutes can be read here.

PMR POA 7/22/2023 Meeting

On 7/22/2023 an emergency POA meeting was held at the PMR Community well to fill PMRPOA positions vacated due to a mass POA resignation during a prior conference call to discuss the closure of the PMR well.

The required 25 PMR residents were present to vote, and an election was held. Names of attending PMR residents were documented. Jim Armstrong was thus elected as President, & the process of returning the PMR well for resident use began thereafter.

Completion of the POA transition will occur 8/8/2023. Minutes of the “Mass Resignation” Conference Call about the PMR Well closure will be posted here once completed. Below are POA notes regarding the summer of 2023. The well closure was done without regard to existing laws and without oversight. Local law enforcement assisted in the emergency election process to deal with the community well’s status.

PMR BOARD MEETING MINUTES  7/5/23 - Conference Call

Start time : 5:47pm 

Meeting adjourned : 6:23pm

President Greg Perez approved the minutes on 7/6/23


President - Greg Perez

Treasurer/Secretary - Tina Perez

QCC Director - Robert Yaeggi

Director - Donna Yaeggi

Director - LaTicia Jeffries

Director - Sophenia Damron

Director - Jerry Damron


Process and procedure for handling 3rd party landowners who are out of compliance with CC&Rs.


On the last conference call we discussed that we as a board are taking violations and non-compliance of the covenants very seriously.

Jerry has started to reachout to the 3rd party landowners to get them on board with their "buyers".

Jerry and Tina have been in contact with Kieferland and they are very supportive and asked that we let them know about bad apples out in the community that are not following the CC&Rs and they would address any issues.

On 6/29 Jerry found out about Generation Family Properties having some serious CC&R violations with regard to a property this trash and a non-compliant septic - so he reached out to them and they were skeptical that Jerry was a legitimate person from the board.

Jerry sent an instant message and email to the owners about the trash and non-compliant septic.

They responded with a request to send pictures to a physical mail address and that they found the request odd because they don’t know who Jerry is or if he was on the board. 

Generation Family Properties requested that PMR send a letter through the mail with the concerns to the address on file.

Jerry asked for a septic install permit.

Some landowners are dumping human waste on properties and this is a bio-hazard for the PMR community and must be addressed.

There are many 3rd party companies.

We need a process that is followed for all the 3rd party companies to avoid the misconception that we, the board, have a vendetta.

Some landowners feel that we are being hostile which is not the case. We, the board, are trying to make sure the by-laws and covenants are being adhered to to make PMR a nice place for everyone to enjoy. Dumping human waste on the ground will not be tolerated.


Action: Tina

Get a list of 3rd parties.

Update: Tina reached out to Adam about getting a contact list for 3rd party landowners

Status: open

We need a form letter put together to be sent out with copies of the CC&Rs to the 3rd parties to get them on board.

Plan/Process: come up with the list of 3rd party companies and reach out via email if possible and send welcome letters and CC&Rs and by-laws and request their assistance in following the CC&Rs and also the ramifications of not following them. If we can't find an email for the companies then send them through USPS.

There are also complaints about many properties that are dump waste and then there are many abandoned trailers that are stripped and falling down. Many things left behind. Everyone needs to clean up their stuff!

Per CC&Rs if land owners don’t clean up after a certain amount of days we have the right to clean up the property and charge them for it. We will start with letters to the owners advising that they are in violation of the CC&Rs and give them a timeframe to clean up the property. If they don't get it cleaned up in the said time frame actions will be taken which could include fines and or liens or getting other agencies involved. NO one wants that including PMR POA.


Action: Jerry 

Come up with a draft welcome letter for 3rd party companies with regard to non-compliant CC&Rs.

Due date: 7/12/23

Status: open


Action: Board 

Review non-compliant letter prior to lawyer meeting so they can review with the lawyer.

Due sate: 6/10/23

Status: open

3rd party process 

Need a letter to 3rd parties and send out CC&Rs. With a letter from the board stating to share with landowners and what happens when non-compliant. It’s their responsibility to inform their buyers.


Action: Tina 

Get 3rd party companies from Adam Pherson.

Update: 7/5/23 - Tina reached out to Adam regarding 3rd party companies and he is supposed to email a list of contacts.

Status: open


Action: PMR board members

Attend the tax auctions and hand out CC&Rs and board info and welcome letters to new buyer.

Status: on-going

Sophenia: question from a landowner requesting to attend board meeting conference calls like they used to. The board has no obligation to invite people to board meetings. They, the landowners, have had the option to join the board and declined to be on the board. Board meetings will remain closed at this time and the minutes will be posted to the web. 

Unanimous vote - yes!

Meeting adjourned at 6:23pm

On-going action items which include actions from this meeting:


Action: Tina 

Get 3rd party companies from Adam Pherson

Update: 7/5/23 - Tina reached out to Adam regarding 3rd party companies and he is supposed to email a list of contacts.

Status: open


Action: PMR board member(s)

Attend the tax auctions and hand out CC&Rs and board info and welcome letters to new buyer.

Status: ongoing


Action: Jerry 

Come up with a draft for a welcome letter for 3rd party companies with regard to non-compliant CC&Rs.

Due date: 7/12/23

Update: Jerry sent draft letters to the board on 7/5/23 for review.

Status: open


Action: Board 

Review non-compliant letter prior to lawyer meeting so they can review with the lawyer.

Due date: 6/10/23

Status: open


Action: Tina

Get a list of 3rd parties.

Update: Tina reached out to Adam about getting a contact list for 3rd party landowners.

Status: open

Date: 6/28/23

Action: Greg

Inform the members of the new board via the Facebook group.

Status: done (6/30/23)


Action: Sophenia

Get the police report from the assault on the roads to Robert and Jerry.

Status: open


Action : Tina

Get with Sophenia to come up with plan for how to handle who gets (? sentence unfinished ?)

Status: done (6/29/23)


Action: Donna

Talk to Travon to see what the software is and see if her web guy can take over. Tina will get Donna in touch with Travon.

Update: Tina talked with Travon who advised for the website, he uses the Squarespace program for web updates. It’s not done with code. He needs a list of what we would like to see done on the website from the board and then he can see if he can do it or he/we can reach out to Batts Media who has an actual website coder if necessary. The coder will cost more so we need to see if we can afford it. Donna is also doing research on the web. Tina send an emails to the board requesting input for the web.

Status: on-going


Action: Jerry to create a complaint form.

Status: open


Action - Tina

Put on the Facebook group a post regarding late fees to be processed on July 11th.

Status: done.


Action: Tina

Send out a financial snapshot on 7/7/23 due to the holiday weekend it will be later than normal. Also send the one form 6/1/23 as a reference point - sent..

Status: open, sent July snapshot


Action: Tina

Send out monthly reconciliation Excel spreadsheet to new board members with start date from January 2022 to current so that they can see incoming and outgoing funds for PMR.

Update: sent (7/6/23)

Status: open


Action : Greg

Next board meeting July 19th 5:30 to discuss the by–laws roles and responsibilities and covenants and the attorney meeting. 

Status: open

PMR BOARD MEETING MINUTES 6/28/23 - Conference Call

Start time : 5:47pm

Meeting adjourned : 6:46pm

Minutes approved by President Greg Perez on 7/6/23


President - Greg Perez

Treasurer/Secretary - Tina Perez

QCC Director - Robert Yaeggi

Director - Donna Yaeggi

LaTicia Jeffries

Sophenia Damron

Jerry Damron


Board Meeting Agenda for 6/28/23:

  • Vote in members and remove members if necessary.

  • Org chart - request from Greg - necessary or not?

  • Discuss board member’s positions and responsibilities

  • QCC committee - who are they and what do they do?

  • Only one main Lawyer contact to keep it clean

  • How  to  revoke the QCC  advisors // need to follow the by-laws….QCC committee…no advisors

  • Who is responsible for responding to PMR emails - VP?

  • Need a person  for a Web director to ensure that the minutes are put on the web within 2 weeks.  May need  get someone from Batt’s Media that is more knowledgeable and faster.  If not, we are wasting our money on the web.

  • “Complaint form” from Jerry.

  • FB post for 10% to past due.

  • Cattleman’s update - Tina


Vote in members and remove members if necessary.


President - Greg Perez Y

Treasurer/Secretary - Tina Perez - Y

QCC Director - Robert Yaeggi- Y

Director - Donna Yaeggi - Y

LaTicia Jeffries

Sophenia Damron

Jerry Damron

Donna nominates Sophenia for VP.

Robert nominates Jerry for Director.

Tina nominated LaTicia for Director.

Robert - sold unit 4 unit 390 to Jerry, Sophenia and Donna. All board members are landowners

in  unit 3 and 4. Tina confirmed with Cibola county today that Donna, Jerry and Sophenia in

fact now own land in unit 4.

Note: Robert had sent a quit claim deed to Cibola county back in March to add Donna’s name to

a property so she could join the board. We had NO ONE step at the annual meeting to be on

the board so we were desperately seeking board members. Cibola county cashed the check

but failed to update the name on the land. Robert had to resubmit the request for name change.

Donna technically has been a land owner since March but it was never update until recently.

Annette Jeffries has resigned effective today 6/28/23 from the PMR board. Thank you Annette

for your service in our time of need.

The board thanked her for stepping up to help the board earlier this year.

Action Tina: Get the web updated with new board members. - Done 6/29/23.

Action Greg: inform the members of the new board via FB.- Done 6/30/23.

Discuss board member’s positions and responsibilities

Tina sent out the official filed by-laws and covenants to the board members.

Greg requested that everyone review the by-laws and covenants in detail and learn their roles

and responsibilities. We will have another meeting to review the responsibilities and makes

everyone understands them.

QCC committee - who are they and what do they do?

Robert nominates Jerry, Donna and Laticia for QCC committee.

Unanimous yes vote by all board members,

There will be another meeting on how to enforce covenants by the QCC and the role of the QCC.


  • President - Greg Perez Y

  • Treasurer/Secretary - Tina Perez - Y

  • QCC Director - Robert Yaeggi- Y

  • Director - Donna Yaeggi - Y

  • LaTicia Jeffries - Y

  • Sophenia Damron - Y

  • Jerry Damron - Y

Only one main Lawyer contact to keep it clean.

Tina will be the main contact for the lawyer to keep costs down. If any board members have a question for the atty forward it to Tina.

Unanimous vote YES by the board.

How to revoke the QCC advisors // need to follow the by-laws…. QCC committee only… no advisors. Mr Heim  and  Mr Armstrong were appointed as QCC advisors by President Jeffries at  the annual board meeting but their roles are not  board roles. Ms. Jeffries is no longer President. Mr Yaeggi has  his methods for how to do the roads and Mr Armstrong  and Mr Heim have a different methodology… and someone else would have a completely different method. Due to irreconcilable differences between Mr Yaeggi and Mr Heim and Mr Armstrong it’s best that they don’t work together. Mr Armstrong  and Mr Heim rolled up on Mr Yaeggi and Mr Damron while working on the roads and verbally assaulted Mr Yaeggi  and Mr Damron. Mr Heim and Mr Armstrong demanded that they stop the road work immediately.  Mr Hiem also called President Perez and demanded all road work be stopped. Mr Armstrong followed up with an email with the same request. Police were called and a police report was made. These positions (QCC advisors) were not elected officials, only advisors.  These roles have been eliminated. The roles were appointed by LaTicia and she is no longer President.

Tina: How should we inform Jim and Danny?

Tina already responded to one of Jim’s emails stating they are “advisors” and not on the board.

Board: There is no need to reach out to them. We will put these minutes on the web for everyone to read.

Update: email was sent to Mr Heim and Mr Armstrong relieving them of their duties on 6/30/23.

Action: Sophenia to get the police report from the assault on the roads to Robert and Jerry.

Who is responsible for responding to PMR emails - VP?

Tina requested that the VP, Sophenia, take over the emails regarding info from the board. Tina will still reply to treasurer-type emails with regard to dues. Sophenia will take care of  complaints.

Robert recommended a 72-hour turn around and we don’t have to respond immediately. This was agreed upon by the board. LaTicia recommended that Sophenia respond to the emails that come stating that we will respond within 72 hours so the board has time to review such emails then within 72 hours Sophenia can address the issue(s) in the email. No need for an immediate answer.

Agreed upon by the board.

Action: Tina to get with Sophenia to come up with plan to for how to handle who get’s - done.


Jerry: we only have to respond to landowners and not 3rd parties with regard to complaints.

Robert: response - Up to 2 years we weren’t following the by-laws and we would let non-landowners be on the board but our previous VP, Mr. Montoya, was adamant about following the by-laws which we are doing now and landowners must have a warranty deed and be a landowner.

Sophenia: the attacks against the board must stop.

Tina: we have been allowing these attacks on the board… such as the many emails from Mr. Heim. So we have  trained the landowners that it’s okay to harass the board. This has to


Donna: we are currently being threatened by members that are going to be sued as a board.  We are forced to follow the by-laws and will do so. This may make some people unhappy. Robert will contact the QCC committee for a meeting.

Need a person for a Web director to ensure that the minutes are put on the web within 2 weeks. May need  toget someone from Batts Media that is more knowledgeable and faster. If not, we are wasting our money on the web. Travon has been doing the web updates for PMR. He is a contractor through Batts Media which costs $125 a month. Travon has since moved  across the country and he gets busy so sometimes the web updates take longer than we would like. Tina is requesting that someone take over making sure the web updates are handled in a timely manner and be the contact to Travon. Donna had questions about what software is used. Not sure.

Action: Donna to talk to Travon to see what the software is and see if her web guy can take over. Tina will get Donna in touch with Travon.

“Complaint form” from Jerry.

Streamline communication and emails. Then everything is in writing. And we file the complaints and keep records. People need to send pictures and the date and location in the complaint. Complaint form to be put on the web where the people can downloaded and send through the mail or email.

Action: Jerry to create a complaint form.

Facebook group post for 10% to past due - Tina - good to go?

Action: Tina to post on the Facebook group that the late fee is coming on July 11th. - done.

Cattleman’s update - Tina

Tina: per the attorney we are waiting for the judge to sign off on the submission from The Special Master. At that point PMR will get some of the 100K and part if it will be held back for 9 months. Tina advised we have $13 [sic] in attorney’s fees to pay right now and no funds. Jerry requested a snapshot of where we are financially and upcoming expenses. Tina advised that she sends that out monthly after she reconciles the previous month. 

Action: Tina to send out a financial snapshot on 7/7/23 due to the holiday weekend it will be later than normal. Also send the one from 6/1/23 as a reference point.

Action: Tina to send out monthly reconciliation Excel spreadsheet to new board members with start date from January 2022 to current so that they they can see incoming and outgoing funds for PMR.

Action :Greg - next board meeting July 19th 5:30 next board meeting 

Discuss by–laws roles and responsibilities and covenants and attorney meeting. 

Meeting adjourned: 6:46pm

Action items:

Date: 6/28/23

Action Greg: inform the members of the new board via the Facebook group.

Status- Done 6/30/23.

Date: 6/28/23

Action Sophenia: to get the police report from the assault on the roads to Robert and Jerry.

Status: open

Date: 6/28/23

Action : Tina to get with Sophenia to come up with plan to for how to handle who get’s [sic] 

Status: done 6/29/23

Date: 6/28/23

Action: Donna to talk to Travon to see what the software is and see if her web guy can take over. Tina will get Donna in touch with Travon.

Update: Tina talked with Travon who advised for the website, he uses the Squarespace program for web updates. It’s not done with code. He needs a list of what we would like

to see done on the website from the board and then he can see if he can do it or he/we can reach out to Batts Media who has an actual website coder if necessary. The

coder will cost more so we need to see if we can afford it. Donna is also doing research on the web. Tina send an emails to the board requesting input for the web.

Status: on-going,

Date: 6/28/23

Action: Jerry to create a complaint form.

Status: open

Date: 6/28/23

Action: Tina to put on the Facebook group that the late fee is coming on July 11th.

Status: done.

Date: 6/28/23

Action: Tina to send out a financial snapshot on 7/7/23 due to the holiday weekend it will be later than normal.  Also send the one form 6/1/23 as a reference point - sent.

Status: open send July snapshot

Date: 6/28/23

Action - Tina to send out monthly reconciliation Excel spreadsheet to new board members with start date from January 2022 to current so that they can see incoming and outgoing funds for PMR.

Update : sent 7/6/23

Status: done 

Date: 6/28/23

Action: Greg - next board meeting July 19th 5:30 next board meeting Discuss by–laws roles and responsibilities and covenants and attorney meeting. 

Status: open

PMR POA Annual Meeting Minutes

Date: 3/25/23

Location : Future Foundation Family Center located at 551 Washington Ave, Grants NM 87202 

Time (call to order) : 1:21pm

2022 Board Attendees:

President : LaTicia Jeffries

Secretary : Tina Perez

QCC/Roads Robert Yaeggi

Margaret Merile spoke to the members about OSO Internet and running fiber out to Pine Meadows. Questions answered from the floor.

Action new board: to find out more details about OSO Internet and fiber at PIne Meadows.


President LaTicia Jeffries - Call to order and Introductions: President: Laticia Jeffries, 

QCC Director: Robert Yaeggi , Secretary - Tina Perez. Shout out to Jerry Damron.

LaTicia Jeffries - We had a record year of rain which caused a lot of damage to the roads.


Be respectful and courteous! No bullying! We will be dealing with facts and not false rumors. The board will discuss what needs to be discussed and then questions, comments and

concerns from the audience will be done one at a time during the OPEN FORUM. Please say your name and unit number before voicing your comments during the OPEN FORUM.

This is important for the audio recording which will be put on the web. You are encouraged to take notes during the meeting and to voice them during the open forum.

LaTicia spoke about the bullying on Facebook and the hurtful comments.

Secretary Tina Perez read Minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting

Minutes approved for 2022.

President Laticia Jeffries:

Discuss accomplishments this year

  • Meetings posted to web page

  • Minutes posted to web page

  • Open board meetings for transparency with some rules (all are invited to attend the conference calls even if you are not on the board. You must state your name BUT only board members can conduct the meeting and provide input. Outsiders must remain quiet. Any questions, concerns should be sent to the PMR POA email address and will be addressed individually. The board needs to conduct their business. Concerns will be addressed via email. Everyone in unit 3 and 4 have a voice! 2022 board  met 8 times last year and was very engaged. All  board meetings are posted to the web.

  • All units invited to the annual meeting (1,2, 3, and 4). All are welcome! Only unit 3 and 4 can vote!

  • We would like to have unit 1 and 2 in the POA but 100% of unit 1 and unit 2 would have to vote to join the POA. Probably not possible.

  • Cookout - September 17, 2022 this year thanks to Samir/Jerry and his wife! Great place to meet PMR neighbors! We are looking to make this an annual event for all units! Hopefully Jerry Damron will allow us to have another cookout/meet and greet in 2023.

  • Maintain the roads during worst rain season ever. Thank you Robert Yaeggi and Team and Jerry Damron.

  • Collected on several past due accounts! The biggie is Cattlemans!! Samir worked very hard on Cattlemans and being the treasurer.

Tina Perez Treasurer Report: 

POA Financial Report

Tina Perez advised that the previous  treasurer Samir gave her the POA financial summary and that she didn’t know enough about it to answer questions.

Action Tina Perez:  to meet with Samir and get an explanation of the Financial report. Tina to put together a more detailed financial report.

Robert Yaeggi: QCC Director gave a high level update on the roads. He had planned to make posters with details of what was done on the roads and amounts spent but he broke his hand and was unable to do that.

November: 324,700 lbs. of gravel  last year - 7 loads of gravel.  $700 per load from Adam Pherson. Got a bid from Sterling for15 tons for $700, C & E was 15 tons for $800.

Sam Chavez is no longer doing gravel. Lee stated he paid $500 for a load of gravel last year. Robert requested for the members to share where they are getting cheaper gravel.  

Action within 2 weeks: Robert to put together a more detailed  breakdown of QCC expenditures.

Culverts have not been cleared out in several years. Spent $150 per culvert. Robert Martinez getting a backhoe and planning on assisting with the culverts. Robert Yaeggi wants to  use Cattleman’s funds for 10 loads of gravel.

Do “FUBAR” road (Country Lane) with Cattlemans money. Robert requested input from unit 4 to talk to him about what needs to be done. We had to  use the gravel on Pine Meadow because it was washed out. The reason it was washed out was because 3 years ago it was  graded and took 4 inches off and moved it to the sides of the road. The base was then down to 2 inches.

Action Robert Yaeggi:  to put together a detailed breakdown for QCC report with regards to what was done on the roads and  the costs for gravel, man power, snow

removal etc. and email this to Danny Heim.

Action Danny Heim: let Robert Yaeggi know what he would like  to see in the report.

Danny Heim stated that last year we took in $61,000 and expenses of $37,000 and should have had a $24,000 surplus from the meeting in 2022. Robert informed that we $13,000 for the roads.

Tina asked for additional questions. On the Financials.

Tina Perez gave update on Cattlemen's Update

Cattlemans - 85 properties

As of 22 March 2023, the total amount owed from Cattlemen's is $32,835.63 for this Case. $24,245.91 of that goes to the PMRPOA and and $8,589.72 is attorney fees. The attorney fees will go up a bit due unfinished business with the attorney and the lawsuit. Estimate for Cattleman’s to POA $22,000 -$23,000 after attorney fees. Documents have been signed requesting the Court immediately take possession of all Cattlemen's properties to be put into auction. Once these documents are filed in Cibola County and the Judge signs them, this Case will be concluded. Once the Courts take possession of these properties, we will put a notice into the newspaper (most likely the Cibola Beacon) of the date and place of auction. We are looking at 6-8 weeks from the time the Judge awards our Case to auction. The auction will only cover the back dues and attorney fees that the PMRPOA is asking for. This means that anybody who successfully bids on a property will still have to pay off the back taxes. If any Cattlemen properties do not get bid on, those properties become the property of the PMRPOA, and the Association will have to take care of the back taxes. (Or sell to somebody that will take on that responsibility). PMR is not in the business of buying and selling property. So hopefully all the properties will be sold. The board will let members know of the auction date and location once we have the information.

Action new board: to inform the members of auction, date, time and location via website and the Facebook group. 

Member from the floor - skeptical about Cattleman’s properties selling. Mostly 2.5-acre properties in very inaccessible places. This could be a big liability for PMR.

Member Donna stated that  they went to the auction last year and every property was sold.

Member from the floor - when did the POA get in the business of selling properties? Board advised that we are not in the business of selling properties. Liens against the properties and there will an auction for the POA dues. Then Cibola will want the back taxes as well.

Member from the floor - Who are you dealing with at Cattleman’s? Cattleman’s owner died and the daughter was supposed to take over. The  board is unaware of the daughter. The attorney has been taking care of the case and dealing with Cattleman’s legally.

Member Luann - The POA isn’t supposed to be in the land business. Answer - the POA gets the dues back when the land is purchased at auction.

Robert Yaeggi - last auction. May 19th, 2022.  Lands started at $600 due to the POA dues being owed. There was a property that sold at the last auction for $3800.

Member from the floor - You are assuming that all the properties will sell and they may not.

Robert Yaeggi stated all properties sold in 2022 and many are site unseen. Many people from out-of-state purchase properties at the auction site unseen.

Member Luann - brought concerns with the road to Robert Yaeggi.

Robert stated that we need to find people who want work (assist with road work) because Messa quit and moved away. Jerry and Robert came through and brought the gravel from the sides to the center of the road. Robert would like to do this every 2 months.

Jerry Damron - when you spread gravel on the road  and drive on it… the gravel will naturally move to the sides over time.  Need 2% grade on the road so when we get rain we don’t have pot holes.  When you brake on a gravel road it causes the washboard effect on the road. The roads need to have “road mix” and then put the gravel over it. It will last longer. Gravel on the roads doesn’t last forever. There is a way to do the roads for longevity but it takes money.

Member Danny Heim - Danny presented a diagram of the road on a piece of paper which describes the crown of the road and the ditches on the side. Danny states we need a grader.

Robert - if we take a layer off of the top of the road that would cause issues in the future. Danny stated that we should get a grant to get a grader. Robert stated he doesn’t know how to get a grant and asked Danny to look into that because he is on the computer.

Robert Yaeggi - Open to other’s ideas. Gave examples of using ideas with regard to dealing with the culverts for less costs. Robert Yaeggi invited Danny Heim to assist with advising on the roads.

President LaTicia Jeffries - reminded everyone that  this happened last year and that people volunteer to provide input on such things as the roads and then the volunteers attend one or two meetings and then everyone disappears. It happens every year. LaTicia hopes this year everyone that volunteers to assist follows through.

Member Luann - (unable to  hear the question/concern) Robert Yaeggi requested for anyone that has good ideas to come forward. We want volunteers and help.

President LaTicia Jeffries - stated that we need help and volunteers. We started off with 6-8 people on the board including volunteers and we have 3 people left.  LaTicia, Tina and Robert.

Robert Yaeggi and Messa tried to  meet with people in various areas such as SE unit 4 on County Lane. County Lane needs cut-outs. If you find an area that need to be  addressed let us and/or Robert know.

Tina Perez gave an update on PMR Foreclosure: Members Past Due

Process: Dues letters are sent out annually in January and if no payment by July then a second  letter/invoice goes out stating future actions (lawyers and liens) if due aren’t paid.  Then after a few months if no payment is made the lawyer gets involved and sends out a demand letter and then after a few more months a lien is put on the property. We prefer not to get attorneys involved and have been working with people to  try and get the past dues paid without going to court.

2 current open cases with the courts:

Cattleman’s - $32,800 in past due. - previously discussed.

Mendoza - Prudence Mendoza as Personal Representative of the Estate of Arthur Redmond, Jr. Deceased, $1300 in past dues.

Attorney and other property owners are in negotiations (lawyers involved just not the courts as of yet.)

Leonard Robinson - passed away - court case to foreclose… no heirs, heading to court. Will foreclose. 4 properties. Past due : $1476 not including fees.

HAMZA holding limited from the UK - negotiations - wants to settle out of court - $1041 with fees. 

Athanassopoulos from Canada - in negotiations - $1400 with fees.

Mr P(name  withheld  due to privacy reasons) - we have won default judgment against him. We have tried to reach him to settle out of court but are getting no response. Court case to

proceed. 3 properties - past due $712 + there will be past due fees and attorney fees.

Member Danny Heim - on foreclosure - concern…. Understands foreclosing on people that owe alot of money but when people live there…  we should draw the line on foreclosing on

someone’s home.

Robert Yaeggi - Samir would  try to work with people to get the passed due fee paid. Samir would make arrangements with people. Many people don’t even contact him back about back due fees. Maybe we should have a community “deal”(fund) to help people who can’t pay their dues.

Tina Perez - concurred with Robert that we need to look at each case very carefully and consider their circumstances before putting a lien on the properties.

Robert Yaeggi - we need to check on our neighbors especially the elderly ones.

Robert, Danny and Tina - voiced that we need to go through the financials in detail.

$143 [sic] in back POA dues 2022. We could get a lot of road work done if people paid their dues!

Member Questions and Answers - 

Member Luann - voiced concern that was inaudible on the recording. Concern was with regard to some members getting discounts on the dues because they are past due. Luann stated that she is on a limited income.

Robert Yaeggi - Agreed and stated that he told Samir he wasn’t going to pay his dues unless he too got a 10% discount. There were things that were done without the board knowing about it such as the discounts. “Let’s try hard to work together to make this place the best that it possibly can be …try to make things right and good for all of us.  Be kind to one another.”

Open Forum for Members -  

President LaTicia Jeffries  Election of Directors - Secret Ballot 

Nominations - From the Floor

35 Members needed for a Quorum

Proxy votes - can be any member in good standing/dues paid in full.

Voters - must own the land/have deed/not in process of making payments on land. 

The following  board positions are open: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, a few QCC team members.

LaTicia Jeffries advised that she wanted to step down as President. There were no nominations from the floor for  President.

Robert Yaeggi nominated Greg Perez for Vice President and Tina Perez for secretary. There were no nominations for the role of Treasurer nor President. Tina Perez stated she would  do the treasurer's job since no one else was nominated. Voting was done by secret ballots that were handed out during the signing process.

Secretary Tina Perez counted the votes.

LaTicia Jeffries decided to remain as Interim President since there were no other nominations.

We will have to  have a special session to vote on a permanent President.

Discussions from the floor:

Member Jim Armstrong - we need a QCC director that doesn’t own tractors. We need a QCC director who is not making money on the contractor process. QCC director needs to be  independent. “You have to wonder if that’s why there is no gravel on Pine Meadow?”. If the QCC director you will never be able to  escape the appearance that  you would rather run your tractors than to buy gravel. Credibility issue.  We don’t have enough gravel on Pine Meadow Drive. 10 yrs ago we were on the POA…85%  spent on roads. 50% went for gravel. 35% grading and 15% for corporate stuff.

Rebert Yaeggi - responded to Jim Armstrong stating that 2 years ago Jim said $65 an hour was fair to tractor manpower. Robert was paying $42 for tractor hour including $5 an hour for fuel and insurance and $20  to pay Messa. Robert made $7 an hour last year and actually paid $3k-$4k out of his own pocket over the past few years. Just last year he had to pay for a blade out of his own pocket for $895 from tractor supply as well as other expenses. 10 years ago Clarence was putting gravel out there for $225 a load. The cost of gas has also gone up.

Clarence’s  grandson - advised that Clarence was paying for a lot of the gravel out of his own pocket.

LaTicia Jeffries - we need to come up with a QCC board to figure this out.  We can’t figure this out today. Robert Yaeggi is in the QCC Director role until 2024. We have no volunteers at this point for President nor Treasurer.

Jacqueline Bryant - stated that she would like to help but she is buying from a 3rd party company so she doesn’t have a warranty deed so she can’t help.

Robert Yaeggi - addressed that perhaps we need to update the by-laws and covenants and put it to a vote to the members. LaTicia advised that we had looked into that before and it wasn’t possible but that we can look into it again.

Action the new board:  Is there a way to update by-laws and covenants. Is it possible?

LaTicia - advised that we hear everyone’s comments and concerns and we agree with you all. We are just three people left standing on the board and we need the community to help! We can’t do all these things you are asking for with just 3 people!

Jim Armstrong - Stated he would  be willing to  be the QCC director NOW  instead of a year from now.  (Note: The QCC Director position is not open until next year - 2024.)

LaTicia Jeffries - stated that Robert is in the QCC position for another year.

Robert Yaeggi advised he is going to stay in QCC role and ride it out.

The members and current board wanted to have Charlotte join the board but she declined.

Secretary Tina Perez counted the secret ballots and proxy votes. Total votes 46. (35 votes needed for quorum.)

2023 Officers:

President (interim) - LaTicia Jeffries

Vice President - Greg Perez

Treasurer - Tina Perez

Secretary - Tina Perez

QCC Advisors - Danny Heim and Jim Armstrong accepted the roles. Jerry Damron said he would help unofficially since he is not in unit 3 or 4.

Door Prizes with tickets - LaTicia Jeffries

Meeting adjourned at 3:20pm

Action Items from the meeting:

Action new board:  to find out more details about OSO Internet and fiber at Pine Meadows.

Action Tina Perez:  to meet with Samir and get an explanation of the Financial report. Tina to put together a more detailed financial report.

Action Robert Yaeggi:  to put together a detailed breakdown for QCC report with regards to what was done on the roads and  the costs for gravel, man power, snow

removal etc. and email this to Danny Heim.

Action Danny Heim - to let Robert Yaeggi know what he would like  to see in the report.

Action new board: to inform the members of  auction, date, time and location via website and the Facebook group. 

Action the new board:  Is there a way to update by-laws and covenants. Is it possible?

E-mail: Web Page:

Conference Call 1/8/23

PMRPOA Conference Call scheduled for January 8, 2023 @1:00 p.m.

All PMRPOA Members are welcome to join but must identify themselves and mute their phones. If you have any questions that  you would like for the Board to address during the conference call.. Please send an email and if time allows we will try to address your questions during the conference call, thank you  

The phone number is 605-562-8400 and the Access Code: 5770724

PMR POA BOARD MEETING 1/8/23 Start time: 1:02pm - 2:39pm

Attendees:LaTicia Jeffries, President - Y Ron Montoya, Vice President - Y Tina Perez, Secretary - Y Samir Abdoul Sekhubara, Treasurer - Y Robert Yaeggi, QCC - Roads - Y Trevon Tucker-Batts, Web design/support -Y Jacob Archer - N


1. Tina - Read Minutes last meeting and Action items

2. Samir - suggestions for ballot voting

3. Laticia/ Samir - Meeting Detail for Annual Meeting, Door prizes, refreshments/set up /Video Record meeting yes or no if in budget? Agenda

4. Tina/Ron /Trevon- confirm timeline for posting minutes to website

5. Ron -Amending Vice President Job Descriptions.

Laticia - Suggest we amend all Job Description every Board Member is doing more than listed in Job Description

6. Ron - Creating Committee to handle By Laws

Robert - lots of people moving to PMR - 10-15 in the last 2 months and 5 more coming in April. This will have a major effect on the roads in 2023 with more people using them. Some of the newbees are gonna have gardens and plan on using the well. We may not have the funds and may have to cut road mtce down to just PMR road and Ranch roads. The new people are planning on having gardens and will also be using the well frequently. We don’t have funds allocated for the well mtce.

Samir - Suggestions for ballot voting for annual meeting

We will follow the original by-laws!!

According to by-laws - anyone who is on the board must be members in good standing and dues current. Voting must be by secret ballot. The by-laws that the previous association have been handing out are not the original by-laws. The limit of 5 votes per landowner is not in the original by-laws.

The max 5 votes was most likely added because the Cattlemans owned most of the properties and PMRPOA didn’t want them to have the

!! Big impact on roads and the well. Need to have funds for the well. Cattlemans no longer own the majority of the property any longer. We will be using original by-laws moving forward. Covenants haven’t changed. Samir emailed the by-laws to current board members. Filed Sept 1st, 1988.

Covenants and by-lays to be handed out at the annual meeting

Every property owner to check in at the door and only property owners in good standing from unit #3 and #4 can vote. One vote per property. The voting will be by secret ballot per by-laws.

The Secretary, Tina, will hand property owners x 3x5 cards with the property numbers on them. If people have multiple properties they get 1 vote per property. Only people in good standing (no past due balance for PMRPOA) will be able to vote. Samir, the Treasurer, will check to ensure people don’t have any past due balance and they are cleared to vote.

Question - How are we to determine people that are buying properties with monthly payments from a third party - example Smile4uinc - technically owned by Charlotte. Do these people need a proxy from Charlotte to whoever is buying the property??

Samir - We must follow the by-laws. Email sent to board members on 1/11/23 stating what’s in the by-laws.

Article 5, Section 2 states "Election to the Board of Directors shall be by secret written ballot. At such election, the members or their proxies may cast, in respect to each vacancy, one (1) vote for each lot owned. The persons receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected".

Members or their proxies... what is a member?, and what is a proxy? Article 2, Section 6 says a "member shall mean and refer to those owners entitled to membership in good standing upon payment of assessments as provided for in Article 11".

Owner... what is an owner? Article 2, Section 4 says an "owner shall mean and refer to any person or entity who is the owner of record of a fee or undivided fee interest in any lot which is subject by covenants of record to assessment by the Association".

(So a member is someone whose name is on a Warranty Deed of a property in Units 3 or 4, and they are not delinquent on their PMRPOA dues)

Article 3, Section 5 says "all proxies shall be in writing, signed by the party who is giving the proxy, and filed with the Secretary of the Association in a form acceptable to the Board of Directors".

In short- people buying property/properties through as 3rd party ( example Smile4uin ) are unable to vote.

Property owner that can vote must have a warranty deed.

** Action - LaTicia/Travon to put voting procedure on the website. ** Proxy votes DO NOT have to proxied to a board member. proxy votes can proxied be anyone in PMR unit #3 and #4 that are in good standing.

Quorum per by-laws - needs at least 35 land owners in attendance including proxy votes. Nominations for board meetings will be made at the meeting not ahead of time.

Per by-laws we should give the person a heads up that they are being nominated for the board and that person should consent to the nomination at the meeting.

Per Robert who looked up the NM State law - State law says that proxy vote can be given to anyone. This mean that you can proxy your vote to a current board member or anyone that is unit #3 and #4 that are in good standing and do not have a past due balance.

Ron - voiced a concern that giving a proxy vote to a board member may be a conflict of interest. The board determined that proxy votes are allowed to go to current board members.

Laticia/ Samir - Meeting Detail for Annual Meeting, Door prizes, refreshments/set up /Video Record meeting yes or no if in budget? Agenda

Location/Room have been scheduled.

Door prizes: Samir to make scented soaps to be added to door prizes. Laticia to ask her mom to crochet some door prizes. Max value for door prizes is $25 but we are trying to keep around a $15-$20. Action - LaTicia to purchase 3 more door prizes.and refreshments** Current budget $3000 to cover for door prizes and refreshments and othercosts.

Current QCC budget - $2700 for snow removal if needed.

Side note - Ron and Cynthia dragged the roads when it snowed. Thank you both!

LaTicia - video meeting- board voted yes! Samir - we have enough money in the budget. Cost $500. Unanimous vote - Yes! . LaTicia will send an email if it’s more than $500.

Video to be posted to the web site.

Agenda to be handed out at the meeting - paper copies with by-laws and covenants.

4. Tina/Ron/Trevon- confirm timeline for posting minutes to website -

The target is 2 weeks. This is a target but not a hard rule. We have lives and families outside of PMRPOA Board things to do so we will do our best to shoot for 2 weeks to have the meeting minutes posted on the web. Board agreed to the timeline.

Agenda for meeting: ** Action Laticia to send out an agenda prior to the annual meeting.

Ron - Amending Vice President Job Descriptions.

Laticia - Suggest we amend all Job Description every Board Member is doing more than listed in Job Description

Samir : Can’t amend the by-laws legally. Board members always do more than what's written. We all just need to do what’s best for PMR and step up when needed. Changing by-laws in not necessary. Agreed upon by the board.

Robert - per the by-laws if we wanted to amend the by-laws we need to do it at the annual meeting and be voted on with 50% majority vote.

Ron - Creating Committee to handle By Laws and Covenants.

Robert - suggestion : look for people to join a committee for the by-laws and covenants to keep the board in check.

A by-laws committee would be a great way to keep the Board in check that we are doing things right!

Side note from Ron - no hunting sign is not a legal sign it’s to prevent poaching. Clarence made the sign.

New Action items from 1/8/23 meeting: Action date: 1/8/23 Status : open

All Board Members:

Need to discuss a possible committee and funding for the well.

Resolution :

Wait until the new board is elected.

Action date: 1/8/23

Status : closed

Samir: Email original by-laws to the board membersResolution - email sent 1/8/23 to all current board members. Also original by-laws wills be handed out at the annual meeting.

Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

LaTicia/Travon -Adding 2023 voting procedure on the website.


Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

Tina/Samir - Per by-laws proxy letters to be given to the secretary and filed after the meeting.


Action date: 1/8/23

Status : closed

LaTicia- Send email so we can get insurance for the meeting

Resolution : Email send 1/8/23

Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

LaTicia - Purchase 3 more door prizes for the annual meeting and give Samir a receipt.


Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

LaTicia - Purchase refreshments for the annual meeting and give Samir a receipt.


Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

LaTicia - Send out an agenda via email to the current board members prior to the annual meeting.


Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

LaTicia - Add by-laws committee to the agenda for the annual meeting.


Action date: 1/8/23

Status : open

LaTicia -Go to Pine Hill and get details on when and where trash can be taken.

Travon - Put information on the web form LaTicia.

Info from Ron - Can take trash to Pine HIll - charge $6 per truck bed and they take

appliances located by the store. Open Mon, Wed and Sat.

Open Action items from 11/6/23 meeting:

Action date: 11/6/22

Status : ongoing

All Board Members : confirmed they would read the bylaws and covenants. If you do not have a copy, please let Samir know. He can send you a copy.

Response: Samir, Robert, Ron

Action date: 11/6/22

Status : open

Tina - Update on cutting of dead trees

Response: Wood cutter has been out to Pine Meadows to assess. He is supposed to start cutting dead trees on Tina’s property in the next few weeks. Tina will provide an update to the board.

Closed action items from 11/6/22

Action date: 11/6/22

Status : closed

Laticia - Confirm voting procedures for the new board. Brainstorm with the Board on how we need to proceed with voting by secret ballot in the annual meeting. Schedule conference call for December or January. Reserve building for annual meeting.

Response:Building reserved and discussing the voting procedure today 1/8/23.

Action date: 11/6/22

Status : closed

Ron - Submit Bid from Greg regarding the roads next year.

Response: Submitted to LaTicia and forwards to Robert - QCC.

Response from Robert: There are multiple bids for roads from contractors. We will determine in March what we are gonna do for the roads. Ron wants to know who the contractors are and what the bids are.

Bids from Greg, Robert, Anastasia.

Action date: 11/6/22

Status : closed

Samir - follow up about voting procedures and snow removal - response regarding this has been sent by Samir to all Board Members.

Response : Please see email sent 11-6-22 at 6:27 p.m. Samir has also updated the

PMRPOA website advising this will be his last year and advised a volunteer is needed to train.

Action date: 11/6/22

Status : closed

Robert - send Laws regarding Hunting in New Mexico or advise where the Board can access this information. This issue requires further discussion

Response: Can’t hunt on other people's property without written permission. Can’t discharge a fire within a 1⁄4 mile of an occupied residence.

Information from the New Mexico Fish and Game Web site.

Action date: 11/6/22

Status :closed. New action item added for the trash removal.

Trevon /Laticia - Add the following to the web page:

1. snow removal procedures - Done

2.The following board member positions are available in 2023 President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Ask for volunteers for 2023 - Done

3. Add where Trash can be taken. It appears many landowners do not know about this. I was up there yesterday and noticed quite a few landowners had excessive trash on their land.

Ron take trash to Pine HIll - charge $6 per truck bed and they take appliances located by the store. Open Mon, Wed and Sat. - ongoing

LaTicia to go to Pine Hill to get info for trash to be put on the web..

4.Fire evacuation procedures- Done

5. Add the dates of the annual meeting for February 25, 2023@1:00p.m.- Done 6. Minutes from board meeting conference call dated 11/6/22.- Done Response - all added except # 3.

** action- Laticia to go to Pine Hill and get info fo the website << new

The Treasurer will need three volunteers to go over and audit the PMRPOA financial records after the meeting. You will be essentially checking to make sure the PMRPOA internal records match bank statements. You can check as thoroughly or as casually as you want, and will be required to sign an audit statement afterwards. Contact the Treasurer if you want to volunteer for this. Please find attached below, the PMR POA meeting YouTube page link(s) to copy and paste in the URL for viewing : 2022 Meeting Video Recording

Conference Call 11/6/22

Start time: 11:02pm- 12:31pm

Date 11/6//22

Attendees: Tina Perez, Secretary  - Y Samir  Abdoul Sekhubara, Treasurer - Y Robert Yaeggi, QCC - Roads - Y Anastacia Vreeland - N  Trevon Tucker-Batts, Web design/support -Y

LaTicia Jeffries, President  - Y Ron Montoya, Vice President - Y Jacob Archer - N  Charlotte (PMR guest) - Y


  1. Review and approve minutes from previous meeting  from 9/24/22

  2. Roads - Update from Robert

  3. Treasury - Update from Samir

  4. Adding minutes to the web page

  5. Schedule annual meeting in February or March 2023

  6. Hunting in Pine Meadows -Questions from landowners

  7. Tree Removal - Tina may have good news in regards to this:)

  8. Vote to allow PMRPOA members to listen in on conference calls 

  9. Dealing with difficult land owners

  1. Reviewed minutes from previous meeting  from 9/24/22  -  signed off on by the board

  1. Roads - Update from Robert

162.35 tons

324,700 lbs of gravel

7 loads at $700

23.5 tons per load average 

$33.67 per ton 2000 lbs

Sterling quoted us 15 ton for $700

C&E 15t $800

For next year’s roads:

Delivery charge for equipment is $1200 to $1500

$600.00 a day and up for equipment rental

$50 hour for operator 

$5000.00 security deposit to rent equipment




Adam Pherson’s brother  gave us a decent  deal compared to what is being offered.

Greg and Pam building on  Crow/Wagon wheel. -  sent a bid to Ron to have board review for backhoe or grader. Est 38/hr for  / $600 per day.  Ron to send copy  to the president for review.

Jerry has been helping on the roads in his area and has put in some drainage in that area Jerry  also putting in  bids for next next year’s road needs

Robert - on the covenants  - “intention and purpose”... recreational land and not intended to provide ease of living….such  as snow removal(all weather roads),  water sewage, power…..Which indicates we don’t have to remove the snow but we have been removing the snow. 

Robert is trying to get a bid for snow removal but it’s next to impossible.  Per covenants the POA is not responsible for snow removal.

Trevon - Started landscaping business in grants and thinking about  doing snow removal in PMR. Trevon to  provide a bid. Looking to purchase a blade to remove snow.

We currently don’t have anyone to remove the  snow from PMR.

Road 122  doesn’t have anyone to remove the snow either.

Robert reached out to Greg -  to see if he can clear snow:

As for Greg's work nothing til March or April 

1 No snow removal (Ron did you not say he would supply equipment for snow removal?)

2 He will require POA to rent equipment for him to use. What this means POA needs a credit card for around 10k to rent. He wants us to prepay for equipment for him. Then pay him $35 hour



2k to deliver to PMR

$1460. per day rental 

3 gallon per hour or more fuel use at $5.59 gallon

$35.00 to him for the work 

Robert has  a better bid Ms Vereland will operate for free for PMR she is a NG heavy equipment operator she is an E7 or above.

Or Jerry will operate at 30 per hour but still someone has to pay for equipment.

Oh by the way, D Korhmann owns the equipment POA is not responsible for maintenance fuel or labor. I manage the equipment for the jobs.



  1. Treasury - Update from Samir

Samir used to live in southern Germany back in the day… during  big snow  storms the  people/residents would clear the roads and  sidewalks…just a thought.

QCC budget is  $8197.30 with pending $6500 charge for the recent  gravel. This will leave $1697.30.  Most people start paying dues in January  which will help replenish funds.

Ron :  there is not much  we can do about the $6500 because the roads already have the gravel.

Samir - legal issues for  past due dues:

4 open cases and 2 new cases.

Current open cases:

!! Land owner names have been removed to protect people’s privacy!!

Landowner A -  has passed away. A relative of the landowner has been  served and is contesting the suit stating that she wasn’t aware of any dues for PMR POA and that her roads are never taken care of. Per the PMR POA lawyer those are not valid reasons for contest.  Case will proceed.

Landowner B has had 30 days to respond. The Landowner has not done so. Motion has been filed  For Default Judgment.

Landowner C - has x4 properties is deceased and we are foreclosing.

Cattlemen's was just served with a Summons, (it looks like somebody in the State Taxation and Revenue Department was the one served, as Cattlemen's has no actual representative). If nobody from Cattlemen's responds within 30 days, we will file a Motion For Default Judgment.

Landowner D - paid in full. Case  has been dropped.

Two new cases  actively pursuing these cases legally:

Landowner E - deceased.- owned 2.5 acres.

Landowner F - Owns 5 acres near the entrance of the subdivision. They reside in the  UK. Last word was they are not going to pay. Case to proceed.


  1.  Adding minutes to the web page

Unanimous agreement to add the minutes to the website so that we, the board,  are transparent to all the land owners on what we do.

Samir to verify the covenant about snow removal so we can put it on the web page.

  1. Schedule annual meeting in February or March 2023

Traditional  meeting  last Saturday of February for annual meeting. 2/25/23 at 1pm.

Unanimous YES vote by the board.

All board members positions are up for re-election except QCC(Robert - roads) and Web Director (Trevon). 

Samir : by-laws the land owners vote who want to be on the board and the board members vote for the various positions.

Samir : there are votes by proxy for those that are not able to attend.

Ron :  voting should be a secret ballot from article 8 from the by-laws.

LaTicia- who is wanting to remain on the board?:

Ron - yes.

Samir - yes, but wants to find someone to take his place for 2024 and learn the position during 2023. . It’s a full time job. Would like the person to  live in ABQ bcz the  mailbox,  lawyers, etc are in ABQ. Treasure position is a full time job. Samir will still provide support even if he is not part of the POA.

Tina -  yes

Robert - still QCC - position is for 3 years.  2023 is 3rd year.

Trevon -  still doing web - position is for 3 years.

LaTicia -  wishes to remain unless someone else wants to do it. 2023 to be last year unless there is no one else to do the job of president.

Board members need to  be in unit 3 and 4 - not  units 1 and 2. And can’t have back dues owed.

Ron : Requesting all board members Read by-laws. All board members - Please read what your position entails. Other board members to call out anyone who is not doing the  said job description as written in the by-laws.


  1. Hunting in Pine Meadows -Questions from landowners

Samir - sign says no hunting.  However you can hunt on private land with permission of the owner but not close to buildings(within ¼ mile of building) and must be on your own property and  not your neighbors. For deer and Elk you have to  have won/drawn for the lottery for the PMR area. Must abide by NM  dept  of game and fish rules which given the amount of structures and builds makes it near impossible to hunt PMR.

Robert - There are alot of new builds and people moving in so it’s not safe to  be shooting a gun in the area.

Robert -  has tried to  talk to people  who are building out there about making  things safe but most land owners are not open to  discuss  PMR POA by-laws.


  1. Tree Removal - Tina may have good news in regards to this:

Ron -  there is a sign that says no to  tree cutting.

People may be coming and cutting  trees without the land owner’s consent

Tina knows someone who is willing to cut down dead trees without cost but will take in wood in lieu of payment.   There are so many dead trees from the pine beetle that it’s a fire hazard. Tina is gonna try this guy out and see if it works out. Tina to report back to see if it works and if others would like to use  the tree cutting services.

Robert - Need to  give consent for tree cutting with a notarized document to give to the person who will be cutting the trees consent to make sure that it’s legal. The person cutting the trees will have the document in case he is questioned about why he is cutting trees.


  1. Vote to allow PMRPOA members to listen in on conference calls

PMRPOA can listen in on board members but  must  identify themselves and mute their phones and then if they have any questions/comments/concerns they must  reach out to the  president to bring up things for  discussion or possibly have them speak at the next meeting. “Guests” are not allowed to provide input on the conference calls.

Unanimous  vote  YES by the board.

  1. Discuss dealing with difficult land owners 

LaTicia  : we need to stop the  rumors and be transparent as a board to gain people’s trust and respect.

The board has tried to  accommodate certain individuals including having individuals join the board. Some people are never happy. They are threatening board members via email followed by an apology and then it starts all over it again.

The board is looking for  input/recommendations on how to deal with difficult  land owners who have threatened the board members numerous times. If anyone has any suggestions -  please  voice them.

Action items from today’s meeting:

All Board Members : confirmed they would read the bylaws and covenants. If you do not have a copy, please let Samir know. He can send you a copy.  

Laticia - Confirm voting procedures for the new board. Brainstorm with the Board on how we need to proceed with voting by secret ballot in the annual meeting. Schedule conference call for December or January.  Reserve building for annual meeting. 

Ron - Submit Bid from Greg regarding the roads next year.  

Samir - follow up about voting procedures and snow removal - response regarding this has been sent by Samir to all Board Members.

Robert - send Laws regarding Hunting in New Mexico or advise where the Board can access this information. This issue requires further discussion Contact Greg regarding the bid for roads/snow removal.  

Tina - Update on cutting of dead trees

PMR POA 11/6/22 Board Meeting Minutes- updated 11/15/22

Start time: 11:02pm- 12:31pm

Date 11/6//22

Attendees: Tina Perez, Secretary  - Y Samir  Abdoul Sekhubara, Treasurer - Y Robert Yaeggi, QCC - Roads - Y Anastacia Vreeland - N  Trevon Tucker-Batts, Web design/support -Y

LaTicia Jeffries, President  - Y Ron Montoya, Vice President - Y Jacob Archer - N  Charlotte (PMR guest) - Y


  1. Review and approve minutes from previous meeting  from 9/24/22

  2. Roads - Update from Robert

  3. Treasury - Update from Samir

  4. Adding minutes to the web page

  5. Schedule annual meeting in February or March 2023

  6. Hunting in Pine Meadows -Questions from landowners

  7. Tree Removal - Tina may have good news in regards to this:)

  8. Vote to allow PMRPOA members to listen in on conference calls 

  9. Dealing with difficult land owners

  1. Reviewed minutes from previous meeting  from 9/24/22  -  signed off on by the board

  1. Roads - Update from Robert

162.35 tons

324,700 lbs of gravel

7 loads at $700

23.5 tons per load average 

$33.67 per ton 2000 lbs

Sterling quoted us 15 ton for $700

C&E 15t $800

For next year’s roads:

Delivery charge for equipment is $1200 to $1500

$600.00 a day and up for equipment rental

$50 hour for operator 

$5000.00 security deposit to rent equipment




Adam Pherson’s brother  gave us a decent  deal compared to what is being offered.

Greg and Pam building on  Crow/Wagon wheel. -  sent a bid to Ron to have board review for backhoe or grader. Est 38/hr for  / $600 per day.  Ron to send copy  to the president for review.

Jerry has been helping on the roads in his area and has put in some drainage in that area Jerry  also putting in  bids for next next year’s road needs

Robert - on the covenants  - “intention and purpose”... recreational land and not intended to provide ease of living….such  as snow removal(all weather roads),  water sewage, power…..Which indicates we don’t have to remove the snow but we have been removing the snow. 

Robert is trying to get a bid for snow removal but it’s next to impossible.  Per covenants the POA is not responsible for snow removal.

Trevon - Started landscaping business in grants and thinking about  doing snow removal in PMR. Trevon to  provide a bid. Looking to purchase a blade to remove snow.

We currently don’t have anyone to remove the  snow from PMR.

Road 122  doesn’t have anyone to remove the snow either.

Robert reached out to Greg -  to see if he can clear snow:

As for Greg's work nothing til March or April 

1 No snow removal (Ron did you not say he would supply equipment for snow removal?)

2 He will require POA to rent equipment for him to use. What this means POA needs a credit card for around 10k to rent. He wants us to prepay for equipment for him. Then pay him $35 hour



2k to deliver to PMR

$1460. per day rental 

3 gallon per hour or more fuel use at $5.59 gallon

$35.00 to him for the work 

Robert has  a better bid Ms Vereland will operate for free for PMR she is a NG heavy equipment operator she is an E7 or above.

Or Jerry will operate at 30 per hour but still someone has to pay for equipment.

Oh by the way, D Korhmann owns the equipment POA is not responsible for maintenance fuel or labor. I manage the equipment for the jobs.



  1. Treasury - Update from Samir

Samir used to live in southern Germany back in the day… during  big snow  storms the  people/residents would clear the roads and  sidewalks…just a thought.

QCC budget is  $8197.30 with pending $6500 charge for the recent  gravel. This will leave $1697.30.  Most people start paying dues in January  which will help replenish funds.

Ron :  there is not much  we can do about the $6500 because the roads already have the gravel.

Samir - legal issues for  past due dues:

4 open cases and 2 new cases.

Current open cases:

!! Land owner names have been removed to protect people’s privacy!!

Landowner A -  has passed away. A relative of the landowner has been  served and is contesting the suit stating that she wasn’t aware of any dues for PMR POA and that her roads are never taken care of. Per the PMR POA lawyer those are not valid reasons for contest.  Case will proceed.

Landowner B has had 30 days to respond. The Landowner has not done so. Motion has been filed  For Default Judgment.

Landowner C - has x4 properties is deceased and we are foreclosing.

Cattlemen's was just served with a Summons, (it looks like somebody in the State Taxation and Revenue Department was the one served, as Cattlemen's has no actual representative). If nobody from Cattlemen's responds within 30 days, we will file a Motion For Default Judgment.

Landowner D - paid in full. Case  has been dropped.

Two new cases  actively pursuing these cases legally:

Landowner E - deceased.- owned 2.5 acres.

Landowner F - Owns 5 acres near the entrance of the subdivision. They reside in the  UK. Last word was they are not going to pay. Case to proceed.


  1.  Adding minutes to the web page

Unanimous agreement to add the minutes to the website so that we, the board,  are transparent to all the land owners on what we do.

Samir to verify the covenant about snow removal so we can put it on the web page.

  1. Schedule annual meeting in February or March 2023

Traditional  meeting  last Saturday of February for annual meeting. 2/25/23 at 1pm.

Unanimous YES vote by the board.

All board members positions are up for re-election except QCC(Robert - roads) and Web Director (Trevon). 

Samir : by-laws the land owners vote who want to be on the board and the board members vote for the various positions.

Samir : there are votes by proxy for those that are not able to attend.

Ron :  voting should be a secret ballot from article 8 from the by-laws.

LaTicia- who is wanting to remain on the board?:

Ron - yes.

Samir - yes, but wants to find someone to take his place for 2024 and learn the position during 2023. . It’s a full time job. Would like the person to  live in ABQ bcz the  mailbox,  lawyers, etc are in ABQ. Treasure position is a full time job. Samir will still provide support even if he is not part of the POA.

Tina -  yes

Robert - still QCC - position is for 3 years.  2023 is 3rd year.

Trevon -  still doing web - position is for 3 years.

LaTicia -  wishes to remain unless someone else wants to do it. 2023 to be last year unless there is no one else to do the job of president.

Board members need to  be in unit 3 and 4 - not  units 1 and 2. And can’t have back dues owed.

Ron : Requesting all board members Read by-laws. All board members - Please read what your position entails. Other board members to call out anyone who is not doing the  said job description as written in the by-laws.


  1. Hunting in Pine Meadows -Questions from landowners

Samir - sign says no hunting.  However you can hunt on private land with permission of the owner but not close to buildings(within ¼ mile of building) and must be on your own property and  not your neighbors. For deer and Elk you have to  have won/drawn for the lottery for the PMR area. Must abide by NM  dept  of game and fish rules which given the amount of structures and builds makes it near impossible to hunt PMR.

Robert - There are alot of new builds and people moving in so it’s not safe to  be shooting a gun in the area.

Robert -  has tried to  talk to people  who are building out there about making  things safe but most land owners are not open to  discuss  PMR POA by-laws.


  1. Tree Removal - Tina may have good news in regards to this:

Ron -  there is a sign that says no to  tree cutting.

People may be coming and cutting  trees without the land owner’s consent

Tina knows someone who is willing to cut down dead trees without cost but will take in wood in lieu of payment.   There are so many dead trees from the pine beetle that it’s a fire hazard. Tina is gonna try this guy out and see if it works out. Tina to report back to see if it works and if others would like to use  the tree cutting services.

Robert - Need to  give consent for tree cutting with a notarized document to give to the person who will be cutting the trees consent to make sure that it’s legal. The person cutting the trees will have the document in case he is questioned about why he is cutting trees.


  1. Vote to allow PMRPOA members to listen in on conference calls

PMRPOA can listen in on board members but  must  identify themselves and mute their phones and then if they have any questions/comments/concerns they must  reach out to the  president to bring up things for  discussion or possibly have them speak at the next meeting. “Guests” are not allowed to provide input on the conference calls.

Unanimous  vote  YES by the board.

  1. Discuss dealing with difficult land owners 

LaTicia  : we need to stop the  rumors and be transparent as a board to gain people’s trust and respect.

The board has tried to  accommodate certain individuals including having individuals join the board. Some people are never happy. They are threatening board members via email followed by an apology and then it starts all over it again.

The board is looking for  input/recommendations on how to deal with difficult  land owners who have threatened the board members numerous times. If anyone has any suggestions -  please  voice them.

Action items from today’s meeting:

All Board Members : confirmed they would read the bylaws and covenants. If you do not have a copy, please let Samir know. He can send you a copy.  

Laticia - Confirm voting procedures for the new board. Brainstorm with the Board on how we need to proceed with voting by secret ballot in the annual meeting. Schedule conference call for December or January.  Reserve building for annual meeting. 

Ron - Submit Bid from Greg regarding the roads next year.  

Samir - follow up about voting procedures and snow removal - response regarding this has been sent by Samir to all Board Members.

Robert - send Laws regarding Hunting in New Mexico or advise where the Board can access this information. This issue requires further discussion Contact Greg regarding the bid for roads/snow removal.  

Tina - Update on cutting of dead trees